How do I start a Men's Group at my church?
You've found the Sons of Solomon.
You've begun to pray the Psalms in Jesus' name and meditate on the Proverbs.
You've gotten a crucifix and ordered the Sons of Solomon booklets.
How do I start a men's group and what should it look like?
Pray. Have you asked God for a men's group at your local congregation or in your local community? If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. Start your search with prayer for the brothers you lack, and keep them in prayer as God reveals them to you.
Since you want a men's group, be accountable for it. Asking for a men's group while investing no time in it is folly. If you want brotherhood, expect to give your brothers your time. Sacrifice will be required, but the mutual consolation of the brethren around the word of God will bear fruit. For example, when you and your brothers are united in prayer and the word of God, you can support each other in the trials and tribulations of daily life.
Start by getting together with one other man. Find someone you talk to about the troubles of life, the challenges of our age, and the need for the word of God in our lives. If you have no such friend, strike up a conversation with different people at your church until you find one. When you have this friend, get together sometime for food or drink, open the Bible together during your conversation, and try to talk about what you found therein. Feel out each other's biblical literacy and theological acumen. Compare what stories you know, what stories mystify you, what Psalms you've read recently, what Gospel textsĀ you're studying, or just whatever the pastor preached on Sunday. Unite around the Word, dig into it, and see what you find together.
If you want to introduce the Sons of Solomon discipline, well and good. However, it doesn't need to be the focus of your brotherhood. Focus on whatever your local brotherhood needs. As each of you meditates on the Proverbs, wisdom will come forth from you. As each of you prays the Psalms in Jesus' name, you will find words of Scripture to address what ails each weary soul. Use this discipline to equip yourself and share it with others looking for such equipping. Allow the shape of your local group to fit your location, your church culture, your pastor's counsel, your various schedules, and your personalities.
One example of how this looks in action is my own church, St Paul Lutheran Church in Rockford. The Sons of St Paul meet on Saturday nights for a potluck dinner and Bible study. We worked our way for 18 months through the Kings, giving ourselves time to talk about Christian political theory, modern idolatry, the geopolitics of ancient Israel, the prophets intersecting with various kings, the Messianic themes, historical context, and the theological impact of variations between Kings and Chronicles. As laymen, we are obliged to listen to different views on the text, respecting each man's insight according to the wisdom he displays. If we disagree, we take the matter to our pastor on Sunday morning between services. Iron sharpens iron as we mine the Scriptures together, founding our shared culture on the true lore.
Young boys, men, and elders are welcomed, creating a space wherein all men can learn and grow. There is no graduation or retirement from fellowship in Christ. Some come every week, others once a month, others come and go as they have the time. There is always a leader whose duty it is to encourage questions, to ask them himself, and to listen to insight from others. His duty is also to lead his brothers with a desire to know the Scriptures, to teach them to his household, and to promote the good of the church. He must lead with wisdom, conviction, patience, and temperance, sharing and encouraging his brothers.
This is your call, my brothers. You are the patriarch, the father of your local men's fellowship. You see the need. Fulfill the need. Take up the responsibility and you will receive in time the honor due. Continue in humility to grow in wisdom and understanding. As you do so, step forward and lead.
You are the patriarch until there is another.
If you would like additional support or advice, reach out via the contact page or through the Sons of Solomon Discord channel.