145 Pentecost 18: It Can Happen Here
The fear of Jesus Christ is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. ~Psalm 111

It can happen here
(Part 2 in the multipart series "Where We Stand")
To fail to believe that professionally financed, social-engineering campaign(s) using addictive technologies targeted at the young and the naïve will not have unavoidable, drastic consequences to both faith and morals constitutes a perilous abandonment of the prophetic character of the Church.
Argentina, circa 2001: A large population of a first-world civilization starved to death over several months due to a fiat currency drop to zero after the experts artificially pegged it to a value it could not sustain. Anarchy and violence reigned in suburbia for a full month. Plastic no longer held credit. Real cash was rare as gold, and not even the preppers were were ready for the kind of dog-eat-dog fallout that ensued.
The capital city never fell. Not entirely. Order, when it was restored, began there. Gradually, cities came back online. Over time, those who survived began to piece some semblance of life back together. But not until after many had died and many more had their lives radically altered for the worse. Today, the country is still in perpetual crisis.
It can happen here.
The Babel Principle: Manmade societies build themselves of complex systems that, driven by greed and malice, inevitably calcify and fail. Nations rise, and nations fall.
The issue for the Christian of conscience is not "if" this can happen, nor even "when." The issue is, "Is your soul prepared?"
What happens when all your dreams don't come true? What does it mean when your best life doesn't get to be now? What will you do when violence erupts, when food is scarce, when all you have to work for is today? Where will your God be then?
Where we stand matters because we are not here to build towers, to fill barns or to enact master plans. When the foundations are shaking, when the earth is giving way, having a solid footing isn't about living to fight another day. It's about seeing the need around you. It's about having a strong hand free in order to help. It's about not being afraid to die because you know that you are truly alive.
Wallowing in the muck with those who have no hope is the worst place to be, even when times are good. If bad times are on their way, that is all the more reason to gird up your heart to stand amidst the ruins and remember: when there are no other good men to follow, then you must become one. Jesus didn't die in order for you to be afraid of tomorrow.
...to be continued.
Till angel cry and trumpet sound,
The Mad Christian
Clickbait Paradise
No balm in Gilead
You've probably seen them. They're hard to miss. Ever-present at pro-life rallies, the red gowns and white bonnet hats of The Handmaids. Abortion activists take inspiration for their uniforms from Margaret Atwood's 1985 novel The Handmaid's Tale. In it, Atwood envisions a brutal, dystopian future where any woman who is fertile must bear children for wealthy men and their wive,s as much of humanity loses the ability to procreate.
Atwood's fictional Republic of Gilead is run as a fundamentalist Christian theocracy and today's abortion activists seem to believe the threat of such a thing happening to be clear and present. They see in the main character a woman enslaved to a system which would have her carry a baby against her will. To the culture of death, pro-life laws are "forced birth".
Well, here's a bit of real news that sounds more likely to take place in Gilead than the Bible Belt. The lengthy piece from The Guardian was recently making the rounds on Twitter. And rightly so. Jenny Kleemans's report on surrogacy is quite a stunning reminder of where we are as a culture.
Kleeman follows the story of a gay male couple from New York who have filed a lawsuit against one's former employer, the City of New York, for discrimination. They argue that if heterosexual and lesbians couples are eligible for benefits that cover fertility services, gay men should be too. They don't want to force someone to carry a baby for them, but rather they want money to pay for a willing womb.
The article includes opinions from a few detractors. Feminists are upset at the idea of women being exploited as "wombs for hire", which is a criticism often levelled at the surrogacy industry. One professor interviewed for the piece says the men are treating "being born male as a disability or as a protected category". Why can't they adopt a child, she asks? One gay dad provides the blunt answer: "We consider adoption [to be] a form of volunteering. It is not a way to become parents". He says that shutting gay men out from surrogacy services is a scheme to make sure they don't have children. "We’re expected to be OK with not having children".
Human history has seen conflict based on the lust of men, and convulsions of ideology, but it seems we are caught in a slow and quiet war – one driven by the dogmas of the Sexual Revolution. Though "autonomy" and "consent" are doctrines in the church of white noise, the "love is love" mantra and the re-branding of fornication as "sex positivity", leaves women and children caught in the cross-hairs. This happens every time mankind trades the truth of God for a lie. Men worship themselves and the vulnerable are discarded.
Atwood’s Gilead may be run by Bible-quoting zealots, but contrary to the Word, they are not people who want to build families and protect life. As much as the sexual revolution promised equality, this is the logical end of trying to make men and women interchangeable – children end up as commodities and women become the factories. But at the heart of all this is a child, purposefully commissioned to live life separated from one of his parents.
So this is the absurd and tragic hour we are living in. If people will not learn the lessons written into creation, they may not listen to God's truth either. Nevertheless, we need to keep speaking it. The prophet Jeremiah lamented that there was no balm in Gilead which could cover Israel's idolatry, and turn away God's anger. But there is a balm in the church – Christ himself, the forgiveness he gives, is the healing which is needed for the sake of our neighbors, even the smallest ones.
Increase and persist
The FBI sure looks like they are determined to intimidate people into ceasing their pro-life work. This video taken by one mother documents her efforts to get answers out of several Agents who took her husband away in handcuffs. In Nashville, 11 pro-life activists have been indicted by the Department of Justice for blockading an abortion clinic. Meanwhile the Bureau is being cagey and won't say whether it is doing anything to prosecute attacks on pro-life centers since the Supreme Court's ruled to pass abortion law back to the States.
As Margot Cleveland wrote at The Federalist, the Biden administration is banking on pro-lifers being concerned about their safety, leading "fewer to pray, protest, or provide help outside abortion facilities". We may be cannon-fodder for this demonic force, but we must not grow weary in doing good. As St Peter wrote: "Let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.
Slow, men not working
In a recent podcast, journalist Matt Welch interviewed mathematician Nicholas Eberstadt about what's really going on with NILF men, those "no longer in the labor force". Eberstadt lays out the gobsmacking data regarding "prime age" men dropping out of work and tries to ascertain what is driving this decades long trend.
Just because these men are no longer participating in the job market doesn't mean they are volunteering, studying, caring for someone, or even looking for work. "They spend a lot of time watching", Eberstadt says. Most are on disability pensions, taking pain medication, and have a criminal record. There are multiple factors for why these men have bowed out but many have found, it is hard to pin down the exact reason.
One thing is clear – a lot of men have been struggling and there is plenty of blame to go around. Loss of job security, credentialism, feminism, watery churches, and elements of our culture that keep us addicted to comfort, convenience, and distraction.
Jordan Peterson is convinced that men need responsibility, to aim at something and get it done and we came across a couple of stories of men doing things to encourage men to do just that. The F3 movement – fitness, fellowship, faith – is getting men together to workout and share spiritual lives. (If you hit a paywall, Terry Mattingly spoke about this piece on Issues, Etc.).
Although this is not Christian in purpose, mens' sheds, an idea which started in Australia are now in many countries. Each chapter has a community space where men can hang out, not just to do woodwork, but combat loneliness and learn new skills.
Roman Catholic podcaster Matt Fradd got creative and is opening a cigar shop in his small Ohio town. A dojo? A community garden? A men's choir? What could you dream up? Yes, the hoard is arrayed against us, but this is not a time to retreat. As much as we can, we need to show up, to bring the salt and light to the places we live.
"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed." 1 Peter 3
Home truths
Presbyterian minister CR Wiley joined the Caldron Pool podcast for an interesting discussion about manhood, feminism, and the significance of households. Wiley speaks about how the human household, when ordered rightly reflects a greater reality. The language of family is used widely in the Bible so it is no wonder the zeitgeist is attacking it so vehemently. As journalist Auron MacIntyre tweeted "The family is the final barrier to the total state".
While most of our readers will agree that feminism has had a massive destructive impact on the household, Wiley argues the Industrial Revolution was the first step. With fathers spending the bulk of their days "at work", the household has slowly transformed from a productive place to largely a leisure retreat. As he points out, the machinations of corporations and business seek to turn us into gears, part of and dependent on the system. But Wiley urges his audience to consider stepping out of the grind and taking back some autonomy.
Wiley sees the household as ground zero for a cosmic battle. Not just because it can bring stability to a crumbling civilization, but as St Paul tells the Ephesians, the picture is really of Christ and his church.
Collusion challenged
Data obtained by the Informed Action Consent Network shows that "hundreds of thousands of Americans sought medical care after getting a COVID-19 vaccine" with 2.5 million missing school or work after being jabbed. The data was released as part of a year-long lawsuit against the CDC and collected through a reporting system set up by the Center. ICAN's "dashboard" of the data can be found here.
A lawsuit against Dr. Fauci and the White House press secretary has been filed in a Louisiana court. Stanford professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya launched the action along with fellow "Great Barrington Declaration" authors. During an interview, Dr. Bhattacharya explained that social media companies were instructed by the White House to censor viewpoints and particular people over their stance on pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates. He said his interest was not financial, but hopes that their lawsuit bring about change so that collusion between government and Big Tech to silence voices will not happen again.
For his part, Dr. Fauci continues to fund bat coronavirus research through EcoHealth Alliance, which was implicated in the now infamous incident at the Wuhan lab. It is hard to see what good could come from such dangerous research, and yet our technocrats seem keen to keep doing what they have been doing.
Keep praying that those responsible for the harm inflicted on so many face justice. "Fight against those who fight against us, let those be turned back and brought to confusion who plot hurt. Let them be like chaff before the wind." Psalm 25
War and drugs
President Biden has issued pardons for thousands of Americans convicted of possessing cannabis. One of the Spectator's podcasts took up the issue, with journalist Madeleine Kearns as guest. She points out that "no one is in prison" simply for possessing marijuana and suspects that the move is an effort to make marijuana legal at the national level. She raises concerns that very little is being done to make the public aware of the dangers to cannabis use. Even those that applaud the move as part of a broader push for criminal justice reform say it's mostly about the mid-terms and drawing in younger voters.
President Biden's administration is set to purchase $290M worth of anti-radiation drugs, in case of nuclear attack. It's hard to imagine that Russia would risk a nuclear conflict, but ex-pat Russian Konstatin Kisin translated Putin's recent public speech and it's obvious he really doesn't like find the West! We can imagine why..
Everyone who's taken up Pastor Fisk's challenge to pray the Psalms knows what a blessing it is to dwell on God's word! The Psalter is what we need for every season of life, and in every trial. Over the last couple of years, Mad Christians on Discord have shared Psalm-inspired songs that have edified them. Of course, we ask you to listen with discernment, as musicians come from different confessions and traditions.
If you would like to chant the Psalms, the LCMS has a handy collection of tones to use with your copy of the LSB.
Here are some recs:
Boswell/Papa Psalm 150
Eikona Psalm 135
The Corner Room Psalm 121
Poor Bishop Hooper Psalm 8
Shane and Shane Psalm 63
BiFrost Arts Psalm 126
Matt Papa Psalm 1
Feel free to share your favorites with us!
Headlines from far away
Gas station explosion in Ireland kills 7 (Reuters)
Mass shooting in in Thailand claims at least 36 lives, including many preschoolers (AP)
A North Korean missile has been fire over Japan (Reuters)
OPEC oil-producing nations are cutting production to shore up prices (CNBC)
China turns on its compressed-air energy storage plant (New Atlas)
John Michael Jones Gets a Life is produced for Mad ⳩ Mondays by E. Darwin Hartshorn. Episodes can also be found on Tuesday, along with previous episodes, on Bunny Trail Junction at bunny-trail.com.
Quick Hits for the Eyebuds
🖊️ Man covers his whole house in doodles
🐕 This dog loves his irrigation ditch
👾 Loewe have released Minecraft-style pixel clothing
🧀 Who invented mac and cheese?
🎱 Snookered: That's a clever trick
👞👞 The origins of the Moonwalk
🗡️ Teen makes knife from piece of meteorite
🇬🇧 The Tower of London has terrified people for almost a millennium
🏐 These kinder kids bouncing balls
😲 After scandals in the chess world.. Now controversy comes to Irish dancing and unfair weights in walleye fishing contest
🖨️ Before 3-D printing there was "photo sculpting"
A Good Word: Links from the Show Notes
This week's Stop the White Noise was a Wednesday Night special. If you are looking to get off the tube, the STWN podcast can be found here.
The Biblical World: An Illustrated Atlas by Jean-Pierre Isbouts
The Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom by Natan Slifkin
Holman Bible Atlas: A Complete Guide to the Expansive Geography of Biblical History by Thomas Brisco
Prepare the Way of the Lord: An Introduction to the Old Testament by Lessing and Steinmann
An Introduction to the New Testament by Carson and Moo
An Introduction to the Old Testament by Longman and Dillard
Promo of Friends
Evanguard and Pastor David Vandercook are hosting the 2022 Evanguard RetreatNovember 18-20 at Camp Trinity in Arkansas. This event is for men and boys age 8+ who want to study and deeper conversation as well as outdoor adventure. This year, Dr. Koontz will be presenting on a Biblical understanding of patriarchy.
Sweetness You May Have Missed
Let us pray: Almighty God, You show mercy to Your people in all their troubles. Grant us always to recognize Your goodness, give thanks for Your compassion, and praise Your holy name; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.