130 Pentecost 3: Choose Life
"I say to the Lord, 'You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.'" ~ Psalm 16

Choose life
Have you ever paused to wonder how many things we do that seem completely normal to us are, in fact, great evil?
This is one of the mysteries of the human condition: we are terribly effective justifiers. We can make excuses for anything, especially once we have already done it. We are marvelously wicked in our ability to bend the story so the interpretation is in our favor, even if that means ignoring the gravest of realities.
Few better examples of this tendency can be found than the modern baby-killing movement. Last week’s deregulation of the baby-part black market in the US has met with manifold exhibitions of vile hatred masquerading as the good and right and true. From the gnashing of teeth to threats of violence and mayhem to the ridiculous cry that this will cost American lives, the depths of our vitriol is on full display.
The mob does not know it is a mob, and this is all the more reason for the pro-life community to take this victory not as an end but as a means. This is the means toward a platform for a better world. This is the means toward unity in politics on a fundamental foundation. This is the means toward remembering that Jesus answers prayer, and so don’t stop praying now.
Western culture is far more sold-out to chaos than it was in 1973. The youth have been brainwashed and mind-numbed with demonic accuracy leading to self-mutilation, inebriation, and despair. The corporations are sold-out to global trans-humanist interests and are practicing eugenic experimentation on us openly. The local governments are so mired in bureaucracy that they cannot see that this change of elites means an end to their power to rule at all.
All of that means that this is not a time to think we have won. This is not a time to merely hold some ground. This is the time to stand up and salvo. This is a time to remember the power of a non-violent protest and act on it. This is the time to rediscover the strength of conviction and organize it.
This is a time to insist that life is the most public matter.
Till angel cry and trumpet sound,
The Mad Christian
Clickbait Paradise
A day of rejoicing
It is hard to believe the news, but Roe v. Wade, the US Supreme Court decision which imposed legalized abortion on all 50 states has been overturned. The ruling returns the power to legislate abortion to each state, with almost half set to ban or limit it.
As a number of folks predicted, those who wish to kill their babies in the name of progress and convenience have turned violent. Given that pro-abortion activists have been protesting at the homes of Supreme Court justices for weeks, the weapon of choice seems to be intimidation. We praise God that the Justices were not swayed by threats to their safety.
Legal challenges
While the screaming hoards may eventually weary of their outrage, legal challenges are bound to come. Much of the hysteria has centred around who would be punished for abortions, who controls the medical data involved and whether women will be charged for the loss of a pregnancy. Pray that lawmakers will write wise laws that defend life and show compassion to grieving mothers.
Reason Magazine contends that early abortion is constitutional saying that the Constitution protects more rights than the ones it mentions. Writer Damon Root says that Blackstone's Commentary, which influenced the Founders, allowed for abortion until "quickening". What Root doesn't throw into his consideration is that scientific advancement since 1765 shows quite clearly what Bible writers knew millennia ago - life begins at conception.
The debate around unenumerated rights is not new, but it seems the conservative Justices on the Court are particularly interested in challenging rights that are not inalienable. Observers of the Court say that in a concurring opinion, Justice Thomas set a precedent by which same-sex marriage and contraception could be challenged.
Suffice to say, serious legal challenges will come and go. For our part, we should keep the main thing the plain thing - it is wrong to murder and abortion ends a life, no matter how anti-life activists want to spin it.
The bias inherent in the system
The FBI confirmed it was investigating attacks on pregnancy centers carried out by Jane's Revenge, responding to calls from Republican lawmakers. It's not certain how serious the investigation will be as agencies which are supposed to be impartial show themselves to be quite biased when it comes to progressive agendas. Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department was very disappointed with the Court's decision and would do what they could to help women get abortions.
Not to be outdone, certain lawmakers seemed more unhinged than usual with Rep. Maxine Waters telling a crowd to "defy the Court". Queen of the hot-takes, AOC called the Court "illegitimate" and encouraged protesters to hit the streets. Last year, they called for the Court to be packed, now they want to ignore it. Whichever will work to their advantage.
Democratic senators recently wrote to Google CEO Sundar Pinchai insisting that he skew search results away from "anti-abortion 'fake clinics' also known as 'crisis pregnancy centers'". The signatories wrote that they were "disturbed" that women searching for abortion services would be offered pregnancy help. The horror.
So of course, we make fun. But Mad Christians need to be aware of the lengths that those seduced by the spirit of the age will go to to realize their evil plans. Podcaster Jesse Kelly recently tweeted a sharp observation, pondering why a small minority have such an outsized influence on our society, Kelly wrote: "It’s not complicated. They’re more committed to their religion than you are to yours. They’re interested in victory and domination. You’d like to win, but only if you can look polite." Point well made.
Red flag
The Supreme Court had a blinder of a week! Apart from handing down the huge ruling on abortion, the Court overruled New York's "proper cause" requirements for gun ownership. Gun owners in New York have been restricted when carrying guns outside of their properties. In addition, self-defense was not considered a valid reason for purchasing a firearm.
Meanwhile, panicked GOP senators have joined the calls to "do something" about gun violence. Fifteen Senators backed a Bill which incentivizes states to spend more on mental health and enforce "red flag" laws. Some complained they were not given time to read or consider the bill, but that may have been by design. Writing at The Federalist John R. Lott says while "red flag laws" are often used to remove guns from suicidal individuals, the rush to pass this Bill could result in the confiscation of guns without due process.
The Bill is expected to be signed by the President shortly.
Texas Tribune has written a long article on the tragic timeline of the Uvalde school shooting. Lack of clear leadership and miscommunication hampered efforts to subdue the shooter.
Ladies only
Last week, the international body governing swimming, FINA, made an "open category"for transgender athletes. Under the new policy "transgender athletes will not be allowed to compete in female events unless they can 'prove they have not experienced any element of male puberty'". It seems that everyone was just waiting for someone to go first - the international bodies for cycling and the rugby league followed suit, with rumors that World Athletics is considering the same standards. The FINA rules still make provision for males who have "transitioned" before they were 12 years old, which seems to be dodging the issue just a tad.
Crunching numbers
At the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), there are jars of some of the most expensive peanut butter money can buy. The price tag is not due to the scarcity of ingredients or secret bespoke cooking techniques, but is instead because it has been measured right down to the molecule.
In a fascinating article at The Guardian, James Hewitt sets out to explore our obsession with quantifying everything. He writes that his interest in metrology began by asking why standards of measurement are, well, standard. While Hewitt found that "the wisdom of what can be measured" has long been a driver of business, politics and science, our personal lives have been exempt. Until recently, that is. With "wearable" tech and the ability of Big Data to collect endless amounts of information, we can monitor sleep and metabolism and make sure we're covering 10,000 steps. One critic says this often amounts to a "modern narcissistic quest for uniqueness and exceptionalism".
Hewitt never really reaches a conclusion about why we can't help quantifying our lives. He sees that measurement is often arbitrary - if we don't get the outcome we want, we will tweak the results. Sixteenth-century mathematician and astronomer, Rheticus might be closer to the answer though. He observed that what can be measured can be controlled. Just show me the formula and I'll sort it out.
But data and statistics have their limits. Who can measure the value of a vocation? What is the price for your time? What is the worth of a life? How deep is the wickedness in a fallen human heart? Like Rev Fisk has pointed out in the past, the best kind of measuring is that which reveals "where your measuring can no longer go".
As Mad Christians, we know that the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to discern (or measure) right and wrong, through studying the Word of God. He is transforming us into the likeness of Christ, who is the standard, the fullness of God in human flesh. So get wisdom, for good measure!
Pandemic 2.0
While President Biden said last week that the US should gear up for the next pandemic, Florida has ruled that religious services are essential and cannot be shut down during emergencies if any other entities are allowed to be open.
An Israeli study released last week claims that COVID vaccines are responsible for lowering sperm count and motility in men. The "temporary" effect after one jab lasted around five months. Whether the data stands scrutiny or not, the powers-that-be were having none of it. People who tweeted about it were slapped with social media bans, even those who tweeted the tweeters!
Headlines from far away
Over 1,000 confirmed dead in an Afghanistan earthquake. The Taliban government has asked for aid. (Independent)
Russia's ruble hit a seven-year high against the US dollar. (The Hill)
Ukraine's government has banned the largest opposition party. Opposition Platform - For Life is openly pro-Russia. (National Interest)
Russia says it will not rule out executing captured Americans who have joined Ukrainian forces. (NBC)
Lithuania is facing threats from Russia for refusing to let goods pass through into Kalingrad. (The Week)
Britain is dealing with ongoing disruption in rail services as staff strike over pay and conditions. (ABC News)
A court in Osaka, Japan has ruled that the nation's ban on same-sex marriage should continue. The ruling was handed down after a fresh challenge to the law. Japan remains the only member of the G7 nations to not allow gay marriages. (BBC)
John Michael Jones Gets a Life is produced for Mad ⳩ Mondays by E. Darwin Hartshorn. Episodes can also be found on Tuesday, along with previous episodes, on Bunny Trail Junction at bunny-trail.com.
Quick Hits for the Eyebuds
🍕 An architect takes a slice out of a mid-Western barn
▪️ You could build your own Peel P50, the world's smallest car
❓ Folks don't know what to make of Nerf's new mascot
😍 Aww: this lemur wants more scratches
🌿 A plant-based material that could replace plastic wrap
🇯🇵 Japan's tiny trucks
😵💫 More optical illusion madness
🏆 Westminster's most energetic dog
🐊 When in Australia...
A Good Word: Links from the Show Notes
Our intrepid ShadowBroker was not able to file her meticulous list of recommendations from last week's Stop the White Noise. Check back in next week, for double or nothing!
Only Illuminati Need Apply: Your Reaction Highlights
@3solas brought the 🔥 in a recent post on the Mad Px Discord server:
We must be the church militant at the same time as the church of hope for hurting people! The power we can stand behind in our Lord and Savior emboldens us to live life well. If no one is speaking about that part of our faith and how we each must pledge our fidelity to a risen Savior who works for our good, we’re only sharing part of the story and not always the part that brings fire to the soul and strength to the bones!
I think Pastor Fisk said it once and I may have read it in CS Lewis, but if you just read the red letters without the stuff in between you get this whole new picture of our Lord and Master. It’s a picture that makes you WANT to follow, to be a part of the procession, to tell others. I’m so thankful for Rev Fisk’s boldness. He discounts himself often, but man oh man do his sermons make me want to kick Satan’s booty knowing that I have the secret weapon with me at all times!
I’m a fighter by nature. I want to follow strong leadership! I love that I can read Jesus’ words about this world and know that I am enslaved to a Lord who works for my good each and every day. That power is so awesome!! It’s what the people in the pews need to hear! You have a leader with a flashing sword who is taking down your enemies left and right. If you will but follow and stand in his shadow you have hope. You have a life that’s so much bigger than anything you could conceive or attain on your own! Wow!! We must remember to live as immortals now and share with others how to do that! Game on!!!
Pray for your Pastors as they shepherd Christ's church.
Sweetness You May Have Missed
This Week Preached
How to Read the Bible: Romans 10
How to Survive the Great Depression Part 2 - Revolutions Lived
Let us pray: Lord of all power and might, author and giver of all good things, graft into our hearts the love of Your name and nourish us with all goodness that we may love and serve our neighbor; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.